Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Power In Weakness

Power In Weakness

On days when we feel down, dejected, defeated, or depressed, know that there is power in weakness and remember God’s promise that His grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weakness.

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Fear But Have No Fear

Fear But Have No Fear

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge & understanding. As long as we have accepted God’s free gift of grace, fear is not something that we should be afraid of for God’s wrath has been satisfied by the sacrifice of Christ for all of humanity.

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Light and Momentary Troubles

Light and Momentary Troubles

These light and momentary troubles will soon pass. When things get crazy and life kicks in and everything seems to be going off the rails, just think about eternity where God makes all things new again and we will have peace for eternity.

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Following The Good Shepherd – God On Our Side

Following The Good Shepherd – God On Our Side

God is for us. God loves His beloved followers. God extends grace to His flock. We are His sheep and He is our Good Shepherd. We are precious to Him, so much that He will leave His flock to find the one sheep that wandered away and bring it back to Him to be with His flock again. He knows our desires, our thoughts, our dreams, our fears and our worries. He also knows our future and what is best for us.

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Secrets of The Potter’s Hand

Secrets of The Potter’s Hand

We as followers of Christ, need to be open to what The Potter has for our lives. Let’s never pretend to try to be a potter ourselves, whom we could never be. Let us all put our lives into the Potter’s hands so that He will use us for His perfect will and form us into the shape that He deems best for us.

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Looking Forward

Looking Forward

We all have things that we are looking forward to — a new job, a new house, going on vacation, etc. But one thing that seems so far off, but really isn’t, is heaven. That is the ultimate of looking forward. But we need to live today for our future in heaven. God tells us to build up our treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy…

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Wrong Turns

Wrong Turns

In the road of life, it is easy to make wrong turns, but God has a plan for all of our lives and will help guide us back to His correct path for us as we submit to Him.

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Burdens, Hope and Help

Burdens, Hope and Help

As we rely solely upon God as our refuge and strength, He is always there for us to answer our prayers when we are facing life burdens. The answers will not always be what we want, but He knows what is best for our lives and He will help us in a way that is best for us.

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The Power of Prayer – Part 8 of 8

The Power of Prayer – Part 8 of 8

God doesn’t want “robots” just repeating emotionless prayers. No, he wants us to pray with childlike faith, in a humble position of asking from the Creator of the Universe the things that are on our heart.

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The Sword of the Spirit – Part 7 of 8

The Sword of the Spirit – Part 7 of 8

God’s Word, the sword of the spirit, is our lifeline to knowing the true nature of our Heavenly Father. As we study His Word by reading, studying, meditating on and memorizing, it penetrates into our minds and hearts and becomes our second nature.

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The Helmet of Salvation – Part 6 of 8

The Helmet of Salvation – Part 6 of 8

The Helmet of Salvation is our assurance that we are God’s children and no one can snatch us away. There is no power on the earth or the heavens that can separate us from the love of God. We have eternal confidence, no matter how many fiery darts the devil tries to throw at us trying to shake our faith, that we are God’s beloved children and will someday be in His eternal presence.

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