Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Be Still

Be Still

The world is frantic with everyone in a panic mode about the Coronavirus. It is very easy to panic when we are looking at the things in a natural view. But if we take a step back and “be still” and put our trust and hope in our Lord, we know and have blessed assurance that everything is going to be okay.

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The Lord’s Garden

The Lord’s Garden

As we “grow in The Lord’s garden” under His personal care, we are to expect these things to happen in our life. Any good garden is constantly being pruned, watered, and fertilized. The soil is being cultivated and stirred up to allow the roots to grow deeper.

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Backward & Forward

Backward & Forward

Life must be lived forward, but only understood backwards. When we look back on our lives, we can see all of the things that happened and begin to understand why God allowed certain things to happen in order to bring us closer to Him or help us to grow spiritually

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God Pleaser

God Pleaser

It is a pretty simple choice, we can either let our minds be led by the Holy Spirit and be a God Pleaser or we can let our minds be led by our sinful nature and the things of this world and according to Romans 8:8 we can never please God.

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Fly Like An Eagle

Fly Like An Eagle

Like an eagle, if we wait upon the Lord and “lock our wings” in place, God increase our strength in times of our weakest moments.

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15 Promises of God

15 Promises of God

There are literally 1000’s of promises of God from cover to cover in the Bible. The New Testament gives us insight into our new life in Christ as we put our hope, trust and faith in Him.

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Encourage Each Other

Encourage Each Other

We can encourage and pour ourselves into other’s lives in many ways — praying with them, spending time, random acts of kindness and many more. Jesus gives us the charge in the example of The Good Samaritan to “go and do likewise.”

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When you look at the beauty of this earth, there are so many things that are pointers to God as our creator. He created the universe, the stars in the heavens and the sun and the moon as pointers to His glory. He created us in His likeness and all of the plants, trees and animals on the earth – all pointers to His glory

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The Chief Cornerstone is Jesus. He is the one and only way for us to have redemption and have eternal life.

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How To Get Rich

How To Get Rich

We learn how to get rich when we apply God’s principles. The riches of the world will never compare to the riches that heaven has to offer. Our true richness comes from the relationships forged during this journey of life and the treasures we pay forward into the next life.

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The Mysterious Ways of God

The Mysterious Ways of God

God’s ways are infinitely higher than our ways. We will never fully understand them, yet using His owner’s manual, He guides us to know His ways for our lives and the path we should follow. We should not try to live a life that is right in our own eyes, but let God speak to our hearts as we humble ourselves before Him and letting Him work His ways in us.

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