Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Who’s Eyes Are Right?

Who’s Eyes Are Right?

When people are left up to their own devices, they will always fail. The Old Testament shows us over and over that when the Israelites stopped following The Lord and did things that they thought were right in their own eyes, as in worshiping idols and false gods, they failed and eventually came back to Jehovah, the One True God.

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Never Alone

Never Alone

Sometimes in this journey of life we feel like we are all alone. The pressures of life, the pursuit of the “American Dream,” the trying to “keep up with the Jones,” all starts to cave in around us. It is easy to only look at the physical world surrounding us and be discouraged and feel you have no one to help you through this hard time.

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In God We Trust

In God We Trust

Trust is something we live by every day. We trust that when we drive through a green light that the cross street has a red light. We trust that when we order from a drive-thru, that they will get our order right (ya, that never happens). We trust that when we put in a hard day’s work that our employer will pay us. These are all basic forms of trust that we put in other people.

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New Covenant

New Covenant

Good Morning!
In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with men, giving them instructions through Moses what was needed to purify themselves from their sins through sacrificial atonement. This covenant laid the foundation of blood sacrifice so that men’s sins would be forgiven. This had to be performed by the priests of the day.

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Uniquely You

Uniquely You

God, the creator of all things, uniquely knits us together in our mother’s womb. Every person with a unique DNA that is like no other in the world among the billions and billions of people that have ever lived.

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Top Secret

Top Secret

There are things in this world that we will never understand. Questions are asked all the time, “Why is there sickness? Why are there disasters? Why doesn’t God do something about such and such?” There are reasons beyond our ability to understand that God has in place for His glory. David writes it so elegantly when he says, “I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.”

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Kingly Advice

Kingly Advice

Some true kingly advice comes from some of the last words of wisdom from King David to his son, Solomon, who was to take David’s place and become king over Israel.

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Watch Your Step

Watch Your Step

As a child walks behind his or her parent, following in their footsteps to walk in safety, so God walks before us marking out where we should step to guide us through this life and all of its challenges.

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You hear the terms: saved, born-again, Christian, Christ-follower, but what do they all mean? John 3:16 makes it clear and simple. It is the most memorized and quoted scriptures of all time because it is a very clear answer for man’s question of God’s salvation — Whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Still Waters

Still Waters

For many years David was running for his life being pursued by Saul and then later in life being pursued by his own son, Absalom, who were both trying to kill him. But David was a man after God’s own heart and he knew that God would protect him and take him to a place of peace and restoration for his soul.

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Lessons From Fish

Lessons From Fish

God wants us to have people in our lives that we can share with, pray with, have fellowship with and invest in each other’s lives. This is so important! People need to feel like they belong somewhere. When we don’t have a sense of belonging somewhere, we sort of just feel lost, like a fish out of water.

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