Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

We’ve all heard the sayings like “never a dull moment” or “moment of truth.” We’ve come to know many times in our lives that stand out as a “memorable moment” and then there’s those times that have been “never a dull moment” or “for the moment.” But David tells us in 1 Chronicles 29:15 that we are only here in this life for a moment.

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Stiff-Necked and Sin(e) Curves

Stiff-Necked and Sin(e) Curves

If you follow the patterns of the Old-Testament, you would see a distinct pattern, like a sine-curve (pictured above, ya that is the name of this wave, hmmm) where the people sinned against God, left there roots of following Jehovah, became stiff-necked and refused to listen to the prophets, lived life self-indulging and arrogantly, and turned from the laws God set for them.

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Overflowing With Joy

Overflowing With Joy

What is true joy? Where does joy come from? How do we get more of it? These are questions that plague most. People try their whole lives to find the key to life, the answer to life, the purpose of life, all the while missing what a Jewish Carpenter did 2000 years ago, giving us the only key to real joy.

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Seeds & Soil

Seeds & Soil

Soil contains so much, yet when left alone, it never does more than just make mud. Likewise, the Word of God gives us life and is soil to feed our souls. It teaches us, guides us, encourages us, and gives us salvation, delivering the very nutrients needed for our souls to grow and burst forth with life.

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The Eyes of God

The Eyes of God

God is watchful of His entire creation. He sees and knows all things. He looks for those that seek His will and desires us all to have a deeper relationship with Him, showing His great power in helping and guiding them.

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Hopeless Lost Causes Restored to Hope

Hopeless Lost Causes Restored to Hope

Life is hard! People are hard-headed and there are those that we consider lost causes with no hope of hope. But God is still in the miracle-working business. His priority is for seeking out the one that is lost and bringing him or her home.

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It is easy to get caught up in life, work, school, hobbies, activities, sports, money, etc. God created all of these things for our pleasure and sustenance, but not to become idols in our lives. God wants our full attention on Him first so that He is first before all of these other things.

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Itchy Ears

Itchy Ears

In this world, man has created for himself many myths, religions, fables and tales. Men are creative and try to tell the story of how we all got here through false doctrines. It could be that science is their religion, trying to explain that we came from an explosion of gases and evolved over billions of years. That takes a lot of faith to believe that cosmic dust exploded and out of that came life evolving from microorganisms into what we have today. They really are never able to explain where life comes from in the theory of evolution, do they?

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Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!

We’ve all been there – that low place in our lives when we just look up to God and say, “Help!” If that is not you and you haven’t had that occurrence yet in your life, then your day is coming too. It is just a matter of time. Our help comes from The Lord, maker of Heaven and earth.

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Locusts & Wild Honey

Locusts & Wild Honey

John The Baptist was, in today’s terms, a bit odd. He wore camel’s hair with a leather belt and ate locusts and wild honey. Not the typical diet of the day, but he was a man dedicated to his service as the one who prepared the way for his cousin, Jesus.

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Light, Lamps & Feet

Light, Lamps & Feet

It is our human tendency to worry about our future. But God says in his Word that he will be a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet. Notice he didn’t say he will be a flashlight or a spotlight unto our path. God wants us to trust him today – in the present. He gives us enough light to see the path just ahead so that we don’t veer from it, but not enough to see into tomorrow. We must trust and seek Him in this day with all of our heart and not worry about tomorrow.

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Friend of God

Friend of God

It is not always easy to love all people as Jesus did. But it is our calling as a friend of God. We are to love people with the love of Jesus. We are to look at the people around us through the lens of God loving all of His people. All of us are created equal in God’s eyes and we are to treat others with the love and respect that Jesus showed us. 

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