Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6




Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

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Dry Bones

Dry Bones

God will give us flesh and breath life back into our dry bones and bring us into glory everlasting in heaven with Him. We only need to do one thing — give our lives and hearts to him. He does the rest for us. He will make us strong, give us significance in this life, give us hopes, dreams, and the promise of our future. That really is good news!

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Surely Temple Anyone?

Surely Temple Anyone?

When we surrender our lives to God and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He sends His Holy Spirit to live in us and we surely become the temple of God.

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I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life – Part 8 of 8

I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life – Part 8 of 8

Good Morning!
When Thomas asks the question, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”, Jesus replied with one of the most profound and dogmatic statements in the Bible. This verse has been one of the most quoted and memorized scriptures in the last 2000 years. It is one that has given clear-cut assurance that Jesus is who He says He is. It is a verse that has changed lives and given hope to the lost that did not know the way. There are many religions in this world that were made by man, but only one true religion is that of God.

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I AM the True Vine – Part 7 of 8

I AM the True Vine – Part 7 of 8

Like any good farmer or gardener, they prune the branches, cutting away unfruitful or diseased branches, so that the healthy branches may bear more fruit. Pruning, in our own natural eyes, can be painful periods in our lives that we found to be a hardship. But through it, God is using us for His greater purpose. He teaches us through those pruning times in our lives. He increases our faith, He shows us that He is sovereign and gives us courage to strongly share our faith with others.

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I AM The Resurrection of Life – Part 6 of 8

I AM The Resurrection of Life – Part 6 of 8

Physical resurrection happens in the Bible on many occasions, but the resurrection that Jesus is speaking of here is spiritual resurrection. There will come a day that Jesus will return and on that day those that are alive on earth will be called home and those that have gone the way of all men and died will be raised to life again to live eternally with God in heaven.

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I AM the Good Shepherd – Part 5 of 8

I AM the Good Shepherd – Part 5 of 8

We have a Good Shepherd that not only loves us enough to lay down His life for us, but He comforts us when we are in trouble by leading us to still waters. He restores our souls when we are in fear or grieved. When we walk through the dark valleys in our lives, His rod and staff comforts us and he anoints our heads with oil. He supplies all of our needs and ensures that our cup runs over.

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I AM The Door of the Sheep – Part 4 of 8

I AM The Door of the Sheep – Part 4 of 8

Time after time in history, there has been hundreds or even thousands of false doctrines preached. Jesus is saying that these are the thieves that come to steal, kill and destroy. They are the ones that try to climb into the pen some other way and give false doctrines about the way to heaven. But we as followers of Christ, the Good Shepherd, know the voice of our Shepherd and know not to follow stranger’s that will lead us to destruction. We know that through Christ, we have the way that leads to eternal life.

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I AM The Light of the World – Part 3 of 8

I AM The Light of the World – Part 3 of 8

The prophet, Isaiah, lived from 700 – 539 BC. During his lifetime, he spoke of the light coming to the world to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Among the thousands of prophesies that were fulfilled by Jesus, this is one that can be understood very clearly…Isaiah 49:6 NLT [6] He says, “You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”

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I AM The Bread of Life – Part 2 of 8

I AM The Bread of Life – Part 2 of 8

Jesus came as a teacher, a servant, a messiah and most importantly a savior. He fulfilled all of the prophesies spoken of Him hundreds or thousands of years before His arrival on earth. He is the only one who can feed our souls. When we eat and drink of Him, our souls are nourished, not once, but forevermore. He is THE BREAD OF LIFE!

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Who Is I AM? – Part 1 of 8

Who Is I AM? – Part 1 of 8

If you remember the old Popeye cartoons, he used to say, “I ams who I ams and that’s all that I ams.” It turns out that Popeye wasn’t the first to say, “I AM WHO I AM.” When God spoke to Moses through the burning bush, Moses didn’t know who to tell the children of Israel sent him to free them from slavery out of Egypt. So God replied to him, “Tell them, I AM has sent me to you.”

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