Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


The Greatest Gift: Love

The Greatest Gift: Love

Over and over the Bible tells us about love and how it is greater than all of the other commands. Jesus tells us that the greatest of the commands is to love the Lord your God and to love others as yourself.

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Refuge & Strength

Refuge & Strength

Sometimes being strong in our own strength is not enough, but God gives us deep inner strength to carry on and live our lives without fear and in His peace that surpasses all understanding.

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What Does God Think of Me?

What Does God Think of Me?

We all sometimes wonder what does God think of me — are we just here on earth on our own? Is He distant from us? Does He hear our cries? Does He know when we are hurting or when we are happy? Does He know our needs? Does He know our plans? Let’s take a deeper look and see what the Bible tells us…

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What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

God doesn’t want us to remain as infants, just drinking milk and being spoon fed “soft foods.” He wants us to continue to grow and develop “all of our spiritual teeth” so that we can get sustenance for our souls.

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The Trustworthy Prophetic Word of God

The Trustworthy Prophetic Word of God

Imagine being the Apostle Peter nearly 2000 years ago. You witnessed first-hand the works and teaching of Jesus. Then later wrote about it and these words were handed down for generations upon generations in the Bible. Peter spent the rest of his life preaching and teaching what he learned first-hand from Jesus and saw with his own eyes the miracles that took place.

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Salt and Light

Salt and Light

We are called to be “salt and light.” Our light is to shine brightly into the hearts of others and our words are to be seasoned with salt so that people see and hear the difference in our lives.

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Basic Instructions

Basic Instructions

This is one acronym that has been used for B.I.B.L.E. – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. God, in all of His wisdom and majesty, gave us His Word so that we have clear instructions and direction for this life.

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Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire

Elisha prayed for God to show the servant what was hidden and when he did, the servant then saw that God’s angelic army surrounded them with horses and chariots of fire

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Crisis Aversion

Crisis Aversion

Sometimes we find it hard to be thankful. We all face life challenges (crisis) that raise up our natural emotions of fear, worry, disgust, vengefulness or sadness. It is in these times that God’s power will really shine through in our lives.

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New Person, New Mind

New Person, New Mind

Our God wants us to do more than lip service. He wants our whole person. It is easy to say the right words and go through the motions of being a Christ Follower but God wants more. He wants our mind and hearts to truly be transformed into a place that is submissive to His will. When we hear this, we all think, “Submissive! What?”

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