Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

I am not a Bible scholar, nor an author, nor nor have any formal Bible training. I am simply just an average guy that loves The Lord. I’ve been a born again Christian since I was 17 years old when my wife (Maren) and high school sweetheart and I got saved together. We’ve been happily married since 1991 and have 3 children, Ryan, Kyle & Evan.
This website was birthed out of the love for our children. As they grew into adults, went off to college and leaving us as empty nesters, I began to send them words of encouragement by emailing them some scripture references or something that I read to help them through their days. Over time, the frequency got to be more and more until it turned into an almost daily routine.
I come from a wonderful home. My mom and dad love the Lord and have always shown love, care and compassion for me and my brothers. They have been a true example to me and shown me many lessons of grace as I grew up. I know that this is not true for many. There are some that come from abusive homes or some that do not have a dad at all in their lives. For this reason, I have decided to share the words that I have been sharing with my children so others may be blessed as well. I try to keep each posting to a short 5-10 minute read. Some days are longer than others. But I believe each one has little lessons that we can gleam from God’s Word.
DadSpeak was birthed by simply loving my kids and wanting to share some nuggets that I have learned through God’s Word. His Word is rich with insight into how we should live. I try to share from a father’s perspective to pass on the little bit of wisdom that I have gleaned over my 50+ years. I pray that you will find this website refreshing to your soul and will help you on the journey of living by God’s truth in your life.
Greg Fawcett
Our latest gathering as a family — Christmas Day 2019 in Murphy, NC
From Left to right, Ryan, Kyle, Greg, Maren (my lovely bride) & Evan
and our Dog, Penny

A photo booth shot of my mom (Pam), dad (Jim), myself and two brothers (Jeff & Michael) shot sometime in the 70’s.
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