Ephesians 1:13-14 AMPC
In Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings (Gospel) of your salvation, and have believed in and adhered to and relied on Him, were stamped with the seal of the long-promised Holy Spirit. [14] That [Spirit] is the guarantee of our inheritance [the firstfruits, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage], in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring [complete] possession of it—to the praise of His glory.
Good Morning!
When we give our hearts to God, He gives us a promise — just like when a bride gets an engagement ring for the marriage that is coming, God gave us the Holy Spirit. It is our seal or mark that guarantees us our eternal inheritance. It is really mind-blowing that God gives us so much with the only cost to us is that we just love Him and accept His plan for eternity – that’s it! God loves us so much, we will really never understand the depth of it until we are face-to-face with Him in eternity. We are His children and He gives His inheritance because of His great love and because Jesus died a death that He didn’t deserve so that we could live a life (both now and in eternity) we do not deserve.
So today let’s just praise Him for who He is and what He did for us. We have so much to look forward to in this life and the next. Let’s not get bogged down with the details of today, but just live today in praise to Him and knowing that He works out all things for good for those that love Him. And in that process, just be a light today and share His love wherever you can. God rewards us with treasures in heaven when we bear fruit for His plans.
I love you and am praying for you today!